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Why do I write blogs? I found myself doing a lot of things mentioned here Why Books don't work?
It made me realize that those things are very common set of thought among learners

Oct 13, 20234 min read
Mastering iOS Provisioning: A Developer's Guide to Certificates & Profiles - Part I
If you're reading this, it's likely because you're grappling with the challenge of resolving a pesky warning or error in Xcode's UI Code...

Feb 23, 20231 min read
PR Merged - Swift AWS Lambda Events
Over the past five years or so, serverless code has gained prominence. As both small and large cloud providers continue to upgrade their...

Feb 21, 20231 min read
CoreData Documentation Persist or cache data on a single device or sync data to multiple devices with CloudKit. Many developers for...

Jan 14, 20231 min read
Shortcut: Share iOS Calendar Events
This is the quickest "application/program" I have created to solve something tedious I bump into occasionally. ​ None asks for someone...

Sep 26, 20222 min read
Deploying to AWS with Fargate, Vapor, and Aurora Serverless Postgres RDS
The Swift Server Group recently published a set of deployment guidelines tailored for various instances, services, and cloud providers....

Sep 19, 20221 min read
Parse Big Data with Swift TabularData Framework 💿
If you're in a Data Scientist role at a company, you've likely heard of, worked with, or discussed Big Data and the plethora of tools...

Jul 30, 20221 min read
💽 Swift AWS Lambda + S3Event
Code Repository: With this project, I can demonstrate a Lambda function that is...

May 30, 20222 min read
AsyncStream... The `QuakeMonitor` Example
On a Monday morning, I devoted my reading time to bridging a particular gap. I've designed several bridge classes for certain Apple...

Apr 23, 20223 min read
Swift Lambda Applications λ
This will be part II of CI/CD deployment: To recall the reference used in there:

Feb 2, 20222 min read
Technical documents and testing for software applications
Cucumberish - Ahmed-Ali - Github Who writes the User Stories? tricky question. The best case, is the output of a conversation between...

Feb 2, 20222 min read
DevOps: Software & Pipelines for mobile development teams
Scripts allow you to: Implement a CI/CD pipeline. Automate certificate management. Build configuration files. Having the above is not...
Feb 2, 20222 min read
CI/CD for Swift AWS Lambda on an M1 SoC
if you are a software developer that is experimenting with containers using macOS M1 and Docker. You are not the only one! people are...

Jan 30, 20221 min read
Data Modeling with PostgreSQL Schema
Executing basic CRUD commands is standard practice when building a system. A well-designed system is highly agnostic, and its concepts...

Jan 30, 20221 min read
Creating an ETL process with Apache Cassandra
Handling BIG DATA and storage now a days is no just feasible, it’s a must. import pandas import cassandra Losing a customer is not an...

Jan 30, 20221 min read
Data Warehouse with AWS Redshift
Why would we want to use re-create our table structures for Analytical Procedures? It happens that performance is much better, we can do...

Jan 30, 20222 min read
Data Lakes with Apache Spark + EMR Cluster 🚤
You can take a trip to a polluted lake or a clean lake and how the water looks, tastes, or where it comes from matters. Data lakes is a...

Jan 30, 20221 min read
Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow
When data analysts and data scientists use data, they rely that is accurate and diverse enough in order to come up with these amazing...

Jan 30, 20221 min read
AWS Lambda with Swift Runtime
Many iOS developers often don't realize initially that they are using a programming language rooted in functional paradigm principles....

Jan 28, 20221 min read
If you are in 2022 and the team does not have the following below, you are crippling the product and the developers. Not too many people...
Jan 28, 20221 min read
Writing software asynchronously 🧵
With my ongoing project feature at the top I have been able to gather all the knowledge I gained into a single application… more like...
Jan 28, 20221 min read
Bridging `completionHandler(_:)` and `async/await`
If you have been reading or watching the Swift Evolution Proposals, you might have barely heard about continuations Continuations let you...
Jan 28, 20221 min read
Programming with Swift Distributed Actors ðŸŽ
I just completed reading the proposals, watching the talks, and reading the book (Modern Swift Concurrency) and this feature has less...

Jan 20, 20221 min read
Software Readings I recommend
- Domain Driven-Design - Working With Legacy Code - Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Functional Programming - with Swift -...
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